Yesturday, we went to the San Diego Zoo with my cousin Jessica. We get our tickets, gather around the Flamingos in an attempt to organize ourselves. We leave the flamingos to go buy tickets for the bus ride. As we are parking the stroller, I don't see Jacquelyn. She's gone! My heart was pounding! Sam goes back over to the flamingos where Jacquelyn is calmly looking around saying "mamas gone" over and over again! She wasn't scared at all but one man , being a father of four, noticed what was happening and was just about to approach her and take her to security when Sam got her!
But what I realized this morning, that she doesn't know her last name, or her phone number! She barely knows her first name, its more like "me". What's your dads name: "babe". We'll be working on these!